About us

The Back to Steiglitz Association is a local volunteer group with an aim of repairing and maintaining the town’s historic buildings. our events including The Back to Steiglitz Festival support these projects.
Our latest, and possibly biggest, project is saving the Steiglitz Schoolhouse – currently derelict and in danger of being lost forever.
See What's New? for the latest including Dr Fiona Gray's article "Steiglitz State School" which was first published in the Royal Historical Society of Victoria News July 2016.
JOIN US as a member - and be part of the fun.
Please complete this membership form and email it to us.
You can pay the princely membership fee of $5 a year in cash at the Festival or we can email you with bank details when we receive the form.
Back to Steiglitz Association is an Incorporated Association
Back to Steiglitz Association
2704 Steiglitz Road
Steiglitz Township Vic. 3331
Reg A0023728J ABN 75098845628