Steiglitz BLOG

Billy Cart Races

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A highlight of Back to Steiglitz Festivals



The Billy Cart Race is designed as a recreational event open to the general public. To ensure that the event is both fun and safe for all participants and spectators these rules and classifications have been set and must be followed at all times. 

By entering the Billy Cart Race you bind yourself to these conditions of entry and the rules of racing as contained in this document or as detailed by race marshals on the day.    

Entry Fee $5 per entrant or $10 per Family

All entrants must have their indemnity form completed and handed in to Back to Steiglitz Association by the Friday a week before the festival to allow for programming of the events.    

There will be specific categories of race held such as 14 & under , open and the “Silly Billy Cup”


All entrants must read, sign and submit this form prior to entering the race. If an entrant is under the age of   18 a parent or guardian must sign on their behalf.  Failure to comply with the Conditions of Entry and Rules or with directions of race marshals on the day may result in an entrant being personally liable for any injury or damage they cause.

All entrants accept that billycart racing has the potential to cause personal injury and/or damage and enter at their own risk. Entrants also accept that they are responsible for the safe handling, design and build state of their Billy cart regardless of any inspections or clearances by race marshals.


  • All entrants must have their indemnity form completed and handed in to Back to Steiglitz Association by  the Friday, a week before the festival  to allow for programming of the events.  
  • Entrants are to present themselves dressed in safety clothing with their Billy carts to the race marshals prior to the race to confirm compliance with the rules detailed in this document.
  • The minimum age of drivers is to be 10 years at the time of the race. By signing the indemnity form parents and guardians confirm that this requirement has been met. Drivers under that age may be permitted to participate subject to the determination of the Race Officials.


  • Helmets are to be worn and securely fastened at all times during the race. Helmets are to be of Australian Standard and can be an approved bicycle or motor bike helmet.
  • Protective clothing must be worn at all times during the race. Failure to wear protective items will result in automatic disqualification before the race. Minimum requirements are as follows:

a. Long sleeve shirt

b. Long pants

c. Enclosed shoes (ie no sandals, thongs or open shoes)

d. Helmets

e. Elbow and Knee guards (recommended but not compulsory)

f. Goggles

Billy Cart Construction

All Billy Carts will be inspected before the race to comply with the following construction requirements.

  • Basics: Billy Carts are to be Homemade and constructed of either wood or steel. They are to be of sound construction with at least two wheels at the front and at least two wheels at the rear with no sharp edges.
  • Brakes: Each Billy Cart shall have an operational braking system fitted. 
  • No inflatable pneumatic tyres allowed.  Maximum 6 inch/150 mms diameter wheels.  NO EXCEPTIONS!  [suitable tyres available at many local hardware stores]
  • Seating: Must have fixed seating


  • All judges decisions will be final, with no correspondence entered into
  • The Chief Marshall reserves the right to rearrange or cancel events
  • The following rules apply to the start and conduct of each individual race:

a.    All Billy Carts will commence from a standing start with no outside assistance;

b.    Billy Carts must proceed under their own weight;

c.    Billy Carts must have fixed seating. Drivers must remain seated during the race;

d.    Participants are prohibited from deliberately crashing their Billy Cart in to other participants or Billy Carts. Any Billy Carts that crash will be disqualified. At the discretion of organisers any Billy cart crashed into may receive another run, time permitting

INDEMNITY AND ENTRY FORM    Click here for Printable Form

Please complete a separate entry form for each billycart driver.

No late entries will be accepted

Forms to be returned by the Friday, a week before the festival  to:

Back to Steiglitz Association Inc.          or  email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2704 Steiglitz Road

Steiglitz Township Vic. 3331